It can be a daughting time bringing home a newborn baby, especially if it is your first. Keeping things simple and planning an in-home newborn session can be a wonderful idea for several reasons. Here are a few reasons why I love in-home newborn sessions.

Your home is your home. It is the first place you are going to take your newborn baby. I think this makes it an even more special place. It is where you are going to create memories and spend time with your baby. Capturing these moments in your own space can make the photos more meaningful and reflective of your family's unique personality and lifestyle.

It is by far the most convenient for you. You can even keep your ugg boots on if you like! The adjustment to life with a newborn can be huge (at least I thought so!!) Save yourself the trouble of packing a baby bag, thinking of milk supplies and putting bub in the car by staying in the comfort of your own home. It can also be a lot more comforable for mum if recovering from a C-section.

If you have older children or pets, in-home sessions can make it easier to include them in the photos. Siblings and pets can often feel more relaxed and cooperative in their own home environment.

I have captured plenty of in-home newborn sessions and am able to work with you to find the best spots for the shoot. I will look for plenty of natural light often near a large window and try to utalise the nursery if possible. There is no need to clean the whole house for my arrival. I am more than happy to step over toys and ignore the dirty dishes! They will not make a feature in the photos I promise!