This has to be one of the greatest things I did when I was pregnant with my first child. When I fall pregnent with Maggie I was terrified at the thought of giving birth. I felt so uneducated and resentful that my school had not made biology class a compulsory study! I remember in year 11 and 12, all of my firends talking about what they were learning about the human body and birthing babies and thinking to myself 'this is probably something I should also be educated on'! Fast forward 17 years and suddenly I was panicking at the idea of going into labour.

My sister - in - law told me I should look into JoyMamma and consider signing up to a hypnobirthing course. She was already a mother and had her first baby very suddenlty and unexpectedly in the bath tub at home so I figured she knew what she was talking about.

I reached out to Carrie from JoyMamma to find out more about what the course offers. She was so welcoming and made me feel so comfortable that I knew it was something I was going to sign my partner and I up for.

The course provided me with the education I needed to feel comforable to birth Maggie. I even felt like a bit of a birthing expert by the end of it! Not only did the course provide me with the knowledge I was looking for but it also taught me meditation techniques and ultimatly bought my partner and I closer together with him also getting a thorough understanding of what to expect. I highly reccommend investing in a hypnobirthing course if you are pregnant and feeling a little anxious. xx